Birds bring much enjoyment and entertainment to backyards and patios, but did you know they are also beneficial to gardens and lawns for a myriad of reasons, including being exceptional pollinators? Here are 10 valuable benefits of bringing birds to your yard or garden.
1. Pest Control – Mosquitos, spiders, slugs, and other bugs that are not particularly welcome in gardens or yards provide a natural food source for birds, eliminating the need for homeowners to dispense harsh chemicals to deter the pests.
2. Rodent Control – Rodents can cause severe damage to growing crops or gardens as well as create burrows that could be hazardous to livestock. Techniques such as poisons or trapping are more conventional methods of extricating these pests but could harm other animals or be considered illegal in some areas. Larger birds, especially birds of prey, hunt mice, rats, squirrels, and snakes providing natural rodent control.
3. Flower Pollination – While this process is often credited to bees, there are many different types of pollinators including hummingbirds, butterflies, and other insects. This action gives blooms an added boost which in turn attracts even more birds and other essential pollinators.

The Mosaic Birds Hummble Bold Hummingbird Feeder helps to keep little pollinators full of energy
in between sips of nectar from flowering garden plants.
4. Weed Control – Finches, towhees, and sparrows consume large quantities of weed seeds to help discourage unwanted plants and weeds in the garden. Planting seed-bearing flowers gives birds a natural food source without the need to frequently refill feeders.
5. Food Sharing – Fruit trees such as apple, peach, plum, cherry, and pear provide a healthy energy source for birds and a quick, natural snack for birding enthusiasts. Take into consideration the following when selecting the right type of tree for your garden or lawn.
-Climate and geographic area
-Size at maturity
-Soil condition
-Variety of desired bird species
-Ripening cycle

6. Environmental Conservation – Choose low-maintenance native plants in your landscaping that use less water and are more resistant to diseases.

7. Increased Property Values – When it comes to home and property values, curb appeal is at the top of the list of suggested home improvements. A well-maintained lawn with native landscaping to attract songbirds and pollinators will draw the eye of neighbors and potential buyers.
8. Education – Encourage children to spend time outdoors and to appreciate Mother Nature. This will assist them in developing respect for the environment while offering the chance to study wildlife, view plumage changes, and note nesting habits. Celebrate non-traditional recognized days such as World Honey Bee Day to blend fun with learning.

9. Wildlife Conservation – With natural habitats being threatened by development, birding enthusiasts can create safe sanctuaries both in forest or greenbelt reserves and around their own home and garden space.
10. Stress Relief – Time spent outdoors is a natural source of Vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin”. Move your yoga practice outdoors or include running and hiking in your exercise routine to help detox the body while clearing the mind. Consider working outdoors on a family project to improve bird habitats while creating a healthier environment for yourself. Click here for instructions on building a DIY birdhouse.

Lastly, think outside the box, or birdhouse, of ways to pay forward the joy and valuable services of pollination, entertainment, and pest control contributed by the feathered friends who visit your garden or lawn. Share your knowledge with neighbors, family, and friends to further promote bird conservation. Start a community volunteer drive to collect money or supply donations for wildlife or rehab facilities or ask to install bird feeders at senior centers, hospice homes, or nursing facilities to cheer up residents. Happy Birding!